Tuning into, and expressing our inner magical child is, in my opinion, the most potent medicine us grown up’s have to heal & expand.
I believe an adult that is connected to their heart and imagination is one that is grounded in the truth of who they are and able to use creativity to channel their emotions, express themselves and listen to their inner voice resulting in them having a more abundant, meaningful and fulfilled life.
I am also passionate about the divine feminine mysteries and arts & bring much of that to my work with adults to help you tap into your feminine power and live a more aligned life in tune with the sacred and this magical land we live in.
The kind of magic
you can expect…

“I work in group settings at my studio
as well as collaborating with businesses
and education boards to bring my expertise as an Artist with
a B.a in Fine Art & M.a in Social Practice
and the Creative Environment into creating
art, meditation & magic inspired
workshops & courses for adults.”
If you'd love to collaborate to bring some workshops or courses to your social setting I’d love to hear from you.